Thursday, May 30, 2013

it's official, i miss you

missing you is no hard work. but not knowing how much you miss me makes my heart break. can you still love me like you used to?

birthday pun tak wish. aku tak mintak lebih, cuma nak kau tahu, on my birthday, i only wished that you could talk to me.

of new semester, birthday, bff and friends

i memang very the malas nowadays. tengok last post aku bile. sedih sedih T_T nampak sangat pemalas.

so... updates- intern dah habes, masuk sem baru. internship was helluva fun and tired. haha. but i'm missing the hectic-ness and busy-ness of the office. hari tu duduk rumah rasa macam free sangat and macam cacing kepanasan jugak aa a few weeks after the end of intern.

tapi lame2, habbit pemalas-lepak-tengok-tv-sampai-tv-pun-menyampah-dengan-kite tu datang balik. so much for not being used to doing nothing lah kan =_=

so, sem baru pun dah start and i have to say, my sem baru je betul2 bermula apabila hari tu member kampar kite buat 'supplies' kat kite. konon nak ajak minum kopi aa. padahal tak pernah minum kopi. haha. kelakar tp menjadi because memang tak harapkan lansung. malu dow bile kene celebrate mcm tu because i'm shy liddat *flips hair, mata atas tangan di bahu*

thank you so much for the 'supplies' kay guys. and kak meen, thanks for being there for me sebab memang i ni suke buat bende2 bodo sejak dulu lagy. thanks for understanding who i am and why i do stuff. maybe sometimes u pun tak paham sebab i ni memang pelik gile but atleast kebanyakan masa, u paham. hehe! engkau je lah yang paham akuuuuuu and setia menjadi teman gossip akuuuuuu. i love u bff! :) i hope we can celebrate each other's birthday for a very2 long time in the future walaupun tak duduk sekali kayy! :) same to others too! :)

sem ni jugak dimulakan dengan sedikit drama. macam biase lah kan. apalah hidupku ini tanpa drama dan hot gossip kan. tak lain tak bukan sebab kedekutan (ade ke perkataan ni?)

manusia memang semua ada sifat tamak dan kadang2 bila dah tamak, mula ada perasaan kedekut. memang kita diajar untuk kedekut supaya hak kita dapat dipertahankan. supaya milik kita tidak diambil kesempatan.

tapi bila kau kedekut sangat tapi duit kau masih mengalir keluar, tak pernah fikirkah di mana silapnya kedekut kau tu?

kata orang, janganlah disamakan kedekut dengan berjimat. tapi aku pasti, kau memang kedekut sebab kau tak berjimat lansung.

bukan nak berlagak, but i will never be kedekut sangat when it comes to family and friends. because in hard times, only they can and are willing to stand you and your shits in bad times. and when your friends can be there for you, why not repay or at least, show some gratitude?

we may not be like other friends who will like every single status, like every new photo uploaded and comment on how cute you look, ask you out on fun expensive trips or adventures, belanja you makan fancy dinner, buy you stuff or pujuk you until you're not mad at us, but we'll try to be there whenever you need us.

but will you?